Colorado School of Mines Quantum Engineering unit identifier


CoorsTek lab

The Department of Physics at Colorado School of Mines is dedicated to high-quality physics education for undergraduate and graduate students and advancing the world’s knowledge in the areas of condensed matter physics, optical physics, quantum physics, renewable energy physics, and subatomic physics.

Education and Research

Our faculty and students at all levels conduct more than $6 million in externally funded research every year, with many projects associated with Mines’ pioneering research centers.

Research centers with strong connections to Physics include the Mines/NREL Nexus, CyberInfrastructure and Advanced Research Computing (CIARC), the Microintegrated Optics for Advanced Bioimaging and Control Center (MOABC), and the Nuclear Science and Engineering Center (NuSEC).

Our faculty are consistently recognized for both their research and their teaching, while our graduate and undergraduate students are often the recipients of awards and grants.

Physics is also heavily involved with Mines’ interdisciplinary graduate programs in Materials ScienceNuclear Engineering, and Quantum Engineering.

Watch the following video to learn more about the varied and exciting physics research taking place at Mines.

Mines Physics logo



Physics Colloquium

January 21, 4:00 PM, CTLM 102

Dr. Obadiah Reed

Obadiah Reed

Associate Research Professor
University of Colorado – Boulder, NREL
How Driving Force & Charge Transfer Distance Control Free Carrier Generation at Donor/Acceptor Interfaces
Abstract: Charge separation in organic photovoltaics appears to follow several mechanisms depending on the molecular details of the system in question. In this talk I present evidence from photoinduced absorption-detected magnetic resonance (PADMR) that charge transfer between phthalocyanine family donor molecules and a fullerene acceptor results in a driving force dependent distribution of charge-transfer distances, and that this behavior correlates well with the free charge generation yield measured via time-resolved microwave conductivity. We show that the highest driving force sample possesses both the lowest free charge yield and the shortest average charge transfer distance, as evinced by the relative strength of the magnetic dipole and isotropic exchange coupling. Conversely, the sample that displays optimal free charge yield at an intermediate driving force exhibits the weakest exchange coupling suggesting that the average charge transfer distance is substantially larger. These results are consistent with a charge separation model wherein a distribution of charge transfer distances governs whether the product state is free mobile carriers or a bound charge-transfer state. We suggest this as a parallel pathway that can allow free charge generation without the need for engineering specific intermolecular orientations, or necessarily including large amounts of disorder to drive charge separation.
Bio: Obadiah Reid earned a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of Washington in 2010. He joined NREL in 2010 and also held a research position at CU Boulder since 2014. His research interests include charge generation, transport, and recombination processes in organic semiconductors; development of new analytical tools and methods; and the convergent application of experimental and theoretical approaches.
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16+ consecutive years awarded SPS Outstanding Chapter!

Recent News

Elevate Quantum groundbreaking ceremony kicks off the quantum future for Colorado and Rocky Mountain West
Federal, state and local dignitaries join to celebrate the beginning of Quantum COmmons at Arvada, one of the Mountain West’s most important scientific facilities

Two powerhouse institutions, Colorado School of Mines and Idaho National Laboratory, are building a path to expanding relationships and pursuing opportunities to work together towards a clean energy future
Elevate Quantum awarded $40.5M to expand quantum ecosystem in Colorado, Mountain West Mines is part of regional consortium receiving federal funding to support efforts to strengthen the quantum workforce over the next decade.

Elevate Quantum groundbreaking ceremony kicks off the quantum future for Colorado and Rocky Mountain West
Federal, state and local dignitaries join to celebrate the beginning of Quantum COmmons at Arvada, one of the Mountain West’s most important scientific facilities

Two powerhouse institutions, Colorado School of Mines and Idaho National Laboratory, are building a path to expanding relationships and pursuing opportunities to work together towards a clean energy future
Elevate Quantum awarded $40.5M to expand quantum ecosystem in Colorado, Mountain West Mines is part of regional consortium receiving federal funding to support efforts to strengthen the quantum workforce over the next decade.
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