The Department of Physics at Colorado School of Mines is dedicated to high-quality physics education for undergraduate and graduate students and advancing the world’s knowledge in the areas of condensed matter physics, optical physics, quantum physics, renewable energy physics, and subatomic physics.

Education and Research

Our faculty and students at all levels conduct more than $6 million in externally funded research every year, with many projects associated with Mines’ pioneering research centers.

Research centers with strong connections to Physics include the Mines/NREL Nexus, CyberInfrastructure and Advanced Research Computing (CIARC), the Microintegrated Optics for Advanced Bioimaging and Control Center (MOABC), and the Nuclear Science and Engineering Center (NuSEC).

Our faculty are consistently recognized for both their research and their teaching, while our graduate and undergraduate students are often the recipients of awards and grants.

Physics is also heavily involved with Mines’ interdisciplinary graduate programs in Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, and Quantum Engineering.

Watch the following video to learn more about the varied and exciting physics research taking place at Mines.

#1 Best College for Engineering Physics/Applied Physics in the U.S., College Raptor, 08/12/2024

Upcoming Events

Announcements & Info

Physics Colloquium

September 24 @ 4:00 PM
CoorsTek 140/150
For more information, please contact

Dr. Corey Rae McRae

Assistant Research Professor
Photonics & Quantum Engineering
Project Leader, Boulder Cryogenic Quantum Testbed
Improving the Performance of Superconducting Qubits


Abstract: Superconducting qubit coherence exhibits large temporal fluctuations due to strongly-coupled defects, in addition to being limited by cryogenic low-power dielectric loss. In this talk, I discuss how single qubit performance is generally understood, models and proposed sources of decoherence, and new research disentangling decoherence channels in superconducting circuits.

The Campaign for Mines @ 150

Moon, Earth, Webb Telescope images, NASA

Recent News

Elevate Quantum awarded $40.5M to expand quantum ecosystem in Colorado, Mountain West Mines is part of regional consortium receiving federal funding to support efforts to strengthen the quantum workforce over the next decade.
The neutrino’s quantum fuzziness is beginning to come into focus “The ‘quantum properties of the neutrino’ stuff is a little bit of the Wild West at the moment,” says nuclear physicist Kyle Leach of Colorado School of Mines in Golden. “We’re still trying to figure it out.”
Elevate Quantum awarded $40.5M to expand quantum ecosystem in Colorado, Mountain West Mines is part of regional consortium receiving federal funding to support efforts to strengthen the quantum workforce over the next decade.
The neutrino’s quantum fuzziness is beginning to come into focus “The ‘quantum properties of the neutrino’ stuff is a little bit of the Wild West at the moment,” says nuclear physicist Kyle Leach of Colorado School of Mines in Golden. “We’re still trying to figure it out.”
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